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Help CenterRubricsHow do I create a rubric?

How do I create a rubric?

Last updated September 3, 2024

  1. Go to  My Rubrics   in the Content Library .
  2. Click Add Rubric in the top right.
  3. Select how you would like to create the rubric.
  1. Generate with AI
  2. Import via file or pasted text
  3. Choose from the  Public Rubric Library 
  4. Create from scratch which offers two formats.
  1. Simple list of criteria that are either correct or incorrect
  2. More detailed table of criteria that can have any number of criteria and scores
  1. As you edit your rubric, it will automatically save. Select Save & preview to exit the editing view and see what your rubric will look like to students.

Now you'll be able to select this rubric to use in an assignment and preview the assignment to play around with the AI feedback based on your rubric criteria.  Learn more about how to write criteria for your rubric .

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