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How do I see reports about my student's progress?

Last updated September 24, 2024

Class Companion offers AI-generated insights about your students' strengths and weaknesses, along with their:

  • Most common feedback
  • Median score
  • Median summative score
  • Percentage of assignments they tried again
  • Percentage of assignments they disputed
  • Percentage of disputes that were settled in their favor

On the  Premium plan , you can see additional reports including a student's progress over time.

How to view student insights

  1. Go to your Students page within your class
  2. Click on the student's row in the table of students

How to view class insights

  1. Go to your  teacher dashboard 
  2. Click on the class you'd like to view insights for
  3. Click on Dashboard at the top

Note: Students must have completed at least one assignment in order to have insights. These insights are all visible to your students in their Class Companion class dashboard.

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