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Class Companion enables you to create versatile assignments for any scenario.
Short answer, essay, and multiple choice can be mixed and matched.
Learn more about adding charts, graphs, and other images to your assignment.
You can allow your students to upload handwritten essays.
Reset your student's submission if they get stuck
After receiving submissions, assignment edits are restricted.
If your student's assignment is stuck on In Progress you can easily mark it as complete
Learn when students are flagged for pasting text
Class Companion syncs with Canvas, Schoology, Google Classroom, and Clever on a paid plan
Learn about AI / plagiarism detection
View analytics and insights about your student and class
Add short answer questions for each step then set the submission setting to Ordered
Enable text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and translation for your students
Select Publish or Change publish settings
Settling student disputes and overriding scores