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Help CenterAssignmentsHow do I update an assignment?

How do I update an assignment?

Last updated November 1, 2024

Before receiving submissions

Before an assignment has any submissions, you can edit all aspects of the assignment.

  1. Go to  your teacher dashboard 
  2. Click on the title of one of your classes
  3. Select Assignments from the top navigation
  4. Click the assignment table row you'd like to edit or Actions -> Edit

After receiving submissions

Once an assignment receives submissions, some edits are restricted. This is to avoid breaking the display of existing submissions (e.g. more or less questions, a different rubric, etc.). In this situation, we instead create a cloned assignment which can be edited freely.

If you prefer, you can manually  reset the submissions  for each of your students to enable fully editing the original assignment.

If you are editing an assignment because the initial version students responded to had issues, after creating the new cloned assignment with your fixes, we encourage you to also close the old problematic assignment so students don't get confused seeing two assignments with the same name.

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