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Help CenterAssignmentsHow do I add handwritten essay assignments?

How do I add handwritten essay assignments?

Last updated September 3, 2024

How it Works

  1.  Create or add your new assignment .
  2. Before publishing, select Handwritten under Submission Settings.
  3. When students submit their essays, they will be asked to upload a PDF, JPG, or PNG 1. Important: Multi-page essays must be submitted as a single file.  Learn how to combine pages into one . 2. Most students are able to take photos of their essays using a smartphone. If a student does not have a smartphone, you can help them scan the essay at school.
  4. You and your students will receive instant feedback on handwritten essays.
  1. Behind the scenes, we use AI to transcribe the handwritten essay into a typed essay.
  2. We then submit the transcribed essay to the AI for feedback.

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