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Which assignment formats does Class Companion support?

Last updated September 3, 2024

We support 3 assignment formats which can be mixed:

  1. Short answer - Each assignment consists of one or more questions. You can use built-in rubrics (e.g., SAQ, FRQ) or create your own.
  1. Without stimulus. Example: Explain one cause of the Civil War.
  2. With stimulus. Students are given an excerpt from a primary or secondary source. Example: Given this excerpt from the Zimmerman telegram, explain how it contributed to the U.S. entry into World War I.
  1. Essay - We accept typed and handwritten essays. Handwritten essays still offer instant feedback since we use AI to convert the image to text. You can use built-in rubrics (e.g., LEQ, DBQ) or create your own.
  2. Multiple choice - Students will see the correct and incorrect answers after submitting, along with feedback about why their selection is incorrect or praise for choosing the correct option.
  3. Outline (bonus) - You can  replicate outline questions  by adding Short answer questions then selecting the Ordered submission setting. With ordered assignments, the AI will walk students through the questions one at a time.

If you  create your own assignments , remember that you may have an assignment that approximates one of these formats. For example, concept application or SCOTUS comparison from the AP US Gov & Pol are essentially short answer. We recommend starting with short answer if you're creating your own assignment.

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