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Help CenterGeneralHow does the AI tutor work?

How does the AI tutor work?

Last updated September 27, 2024

The AI tutor helps your students on an assignment by providing help without giving away the answer. It is a safe AI chatbot that, like the rest of Class Companion, complies with FERPA, COPPA, and state student privacy regulations. You can always see a student's full conversation history with the AI tutor. For students with accommodations such as text-to-speech or translation, these will work with the AI tutor.

You can turn the AI tutor on or off for an assignment. It's turned on be default. To turn it off:

  • Go to an assignment, click Actions > Edit assignment.
  • Go to AI Settings on the left and disable AI Tutor.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 4.34.28 PM

Here's an example of an AI tutor chat:

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 4.33.59 PM

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